
Professor Will Fowler
School of Modern Languages (Spanish)

Key Areas of Interest: 19th Century Mexican Political History; Pronunciamientos; Insurrectionary Political Culture and Civil War; Biographical Research

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: 19th Century Latin American Politics; Europe and the Americas in the 1860s; Mexican Biographies

Current Postgraduate Research Students working on the long nineteenth century:
– Julia Hieske, ‘Shaping the U.S. American Gaze on Mexico: An Analysis of T. Phillip Terry’s Guidebook to Mexico and its Sociocultural Implications Within the Wider Discourse of U.S. Tourism to Porfirian Mexico’
– Alejandro Adame Basilio, ‘Joel Poinsett in Mexico, 1825-1829: A study in the overlap between diplomacy and partisan politics during the administration of President Guadalupe Victoria.’


Professor Mary Orr
Co-Director & Founder
School of Modern Languages (French)

Key Areas of Interest: 19th Century French Literature; Histories and Cultures of 19th Century Science; French Women’s Writing (19th-21st Century)

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: 19th Century French/Francophone Literary-Cultural Studies; French and Comparative Histories of Natural Science; French Women’s Writing; Hybrid and Intermedial Literary/Literary-Scientific Genres

Current Postgraduate Research Students:
– Tomas Vancisim, ‘Visualising the University of St Andrews Biographical Registrar’ (co-supervised with Computer Science)
– Amy McTurk, ‘Multimedial Portraits of Artist as Woman: A Case Study of Female Creativity and Subjectivity in the work of George Sand (1804-1876) and Marguerite Duras (1914-1996)’
– Dr Sarah Arens (BA postdoc), ‘Constructing a Geopolitics of Nationhood: Belgium’s Scientific and Cultural Colonial Project (1830-1958)’

Professor Seán Allan
School of Modern Languages (German)

Dr Andrew Cusack
School of Modern Languages (German)

Dr Sarah Easterby-Smith
School of History

Key Areas of Interest: Global history; history of science; consumption; collecting, and gender in the long eighteenth century

Dr Ricardo Fernandez Romero
School of Modern Languages (Spanish)

Key Areas of Interest: Autobiography; Memory; Materialism; Photography; Journalism

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: Spanish Realist and Naturalist Prose Writing; Spanish Journalism; Spanish Autobiography in the 19th Century

Professor Aileen Fyfe
School of History

Dr Katie Garner
School of English

Key Areas of Interest: King Arthur in the 19th Century; Women’s Writing; Antiquarianism and Folklore; Mermaids

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: Romantic and Victorian Women’s Writing; 19th Century Medievalism; Gothic Literature; Book History and Reading Practices; Feminist Theory

Current Postgraduate Research Students:
– James Erickson, ‘Let the King Reign: Tennysonian Aurthuriana and Victorian Platonism’

Dr Luke Gartlan
School of Art History

Key Areas of Interest: Histories and Theories of Photography; Transnational Visual Cultures; Japanese Modern Art; Orientalism and Japonisme; Asia-Pacific Visual Exchanges

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: Histories of Photography; Cross-Cultural Visual History; Japanese Visual Culture; Colonial Representation

Current and Recent Postgraduate Research Students:
-Carrine Chelhot Lemyre, ‘The Maison Bonfils in the Middle East’
-Édouard de Saint-Ours, ‘Photographing Indio-China: State Archives and French Colonialism’ (Cotutelle with Université de Havare)
-Nora Labo, ‘Competing Construction of Nature in Early Photographs of Vegetation’
-Alexandre Supartono, ‘Re-Imag(in)ing History: Photography and the  Sugar Industry of Colonial Java’

Professor Linda Goddard 
School of Art History

Key Areas of Interest: 19th and early 20th Century French Art and Literature; Artists’ Writings; Word and Image Studies

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: 19th and early 20th Century French art; Relations Between Art and Literature in the 19th Century; Artist’s Writings; Visual and Literary Cultures of Travel and Encounters in the Colonial Context

Recent Postgraduate Research Students:
-Maria Golovteeva, ‘Fernand Khnopff Art and Photography in the 19th Century (1858-1921)’
-Eunjee Lee, ‘The Selling of the ‘Exotic’ Far East: Western Printmakers in East Asia (1899-1960)’ co-supervised by Jeremy Howard and Michelle Huang

Professor Mark Harris
Department of Social Anthropology

For more information, please visit Prof. Harris’ departmental website.

Julia Hieske
School of Modern Languages (Spanish)

Dr Bill Jenkins
School of History

Professor Robert Lethbridge
School of Modern Languages (French)

Dr Sara Lodge
School of English

Dr Felicity Loughlin
School of History

Dr Christos Lynteris
Department of Social Anthropology

Amy McTurk
School of Modern Languages (French)

Key Areas of Interest: 19th Century French Literature; French Women’s Writing; Intertextuality and Intermediality; Representations of Women Artists

Dr Stephanie O’Rourke
School of Art History

Dr Birgit Röder
School of Modern Languages (German)

Dr Bernhard Struck
School of History

Key Areas of Interest: Continental European History; Transnational and Comparative History; Enlightenment; History of Science; Cartography; Spatial History; Esperanto Movement

Recent Postgraduate Research Students:
– Matt Ylitalo, ‘Dundee Whaling in Global Transmaritime Perspectives’
– Marcel Koschek, ‘Polish Esperanto Movement in Translocal and Transnational Perspectives’
– Pilar da Lamo, ‘Catalan Esperanto Movement between Region, State, and Internationalism’
– Adam Dunn, ‘Circulation and Ideas of Statistic in Europe Around 1800’
– Sophie Dunn, ‘Family Travels in post-Napoleonic Europe’
– Tom Cunningham (postdoc), ‘Empire and Scottish Mission to Kenya’

Professor Emma Sutton
School of English

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: 19th Century Musical-Literary Relations; Decadence and Aestheticism; The work and reception of Richard Wagner; Aubrey Beardsley

Former Postgraduate Research Students:
– Anna Watson, ‘Music Lessons and the Construction of Womanhood in English Fiction (1870-1914)’
– Jeremiah Mercurio, ‘Fantasy as a Mode of British and Irish Literary Decadence (1885-1925)’
– Margaux Pouymirou, ‘The Sixth Sense: Synaesthesia and British Aestheticism (1860-1900)’

Dr Gregory Tate
School of English

Key Areas of Interest: 19th Century; Poetry; Literature and Science; Literature and Philosophy; Literature and Psychology; History of Education, specifically of language learning

Recent Postgraduate Research Students:
– Dr Suz Garrard, ‘Manufacturing Selves: The Poetics of Self-Representation and Identity in the Poetry of Three “Factory Girls” (1840-1882)’

Dr Margarita Vaysman
School of Modern Languages (Russian)

Key Areas of Interest: Gender; Co-authorism; Realism; Metafiction; Novel

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: History of the Novel; History of Ideas; Narrative Studies; Gender and Queer History and Theory; 19th Century Russian Literature; Narrative Transvestism and Literary Cross-dressing

Professor Richard Whatmore
School of History

Key Areas of Interest: Political Thought; Intellectual History; Liberalism; Political Economy

Areas of Postgraduate Research Supervision: After the Enlightenment (Leverhulme Funded Research Project)

Current Postgraduate Research Students:
– Lasse Anderson, ‘Land Ownership and Political Thought in 19th Century European Thought’

Dr Michael White
School of Modern Languages (German)

Dr Claire Whitehead
School of Modern Languages (Russian)

Professor Judith Wolfe
School of Divinity